Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

natalie dee sums it up nicely for me once again

though if i am going to be honest feel free to invite me to your superbowl parties.i will feign enthusiasm for football if it means free food and drinks.

actually i will feign enthusiasm for most things for free food and drinks...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

if i really had a choice on where my next job would be

it would definitely be here, and i wouldn't need to be a draper or sterling i'd have no problem whatsoever being the joan of the office.

i didn't even eat the chocolate mouse

my night of sleep last night was a lot like this.I was alone in my apartment but if I discover I am pregnant I'll assume that a satanic cult broke in and I'm having the devil's baby.

i was at some sort of religious cult ceremony on a boat where this guy i've had a crush on for a while is in attendance. i was trying to imitate the weird hand motions of everyone there even though they all appeared to be in a trance and not noticing i didn't belong there anyway.my crush noticed me as i was questioned by the other cult members but it appeared as though he was unable to speak.

i also had another weird dream last night that I was sucked into the couch and trapped there while cats and dogs were eating me alive during which a giant anthromorphic rat sat on the kitchen counter watching and talking to me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

thanks 2011

just when i started getting optimistic about a new year and the future,thank you 2011for letting me know right from the get-go i need to find a new job in the next two weeks.