Tuesday, June 28, 2011

iggy + nico

this song reminds me of something that would have been in the soundtrack to rosemary's baby or maybe an argento flick.

the video is definitely art school.

Monday, June 27, 2011

violent society

not to sound old and jaded and bitter but seriously there's something wrong with the youth of today

maybe the rehabilitation in a clockwork orange wasn't such a bad idea afterall...

or maybe if the clockwork orange treatment doesn't work i'm thinking we send the philadelphia schools with the most delinquents away for a battle royale.problem solved!no more violent flash mobs!

shoulda coulda woulda

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

girls girls girls

(i did ths karaoke once doing my best kim gordon impersonation...the crowd was really confused)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

good vibrations

brian wilson turned 69 today.it's pretty amazing he lasted this long.

i was kind of obsessed with this song when i was a tyke thanks to the cover version played by the animatronic chuck e. cheese band and a sunkist soda commercial.

i wish they still wrote songs like this.

36 years ago the trajectory of my life changed

(...even though i was only born 31 years ago)

oh yes,the greatest film of all time was released and an obsession was born.

this sums up my past weekend

sometimes when you try to pack too much fun into one weekend it just leaves you feeling exhausted and you don't wind up doing half of it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

some days i really miss my moog prodigy

i think my brain just short circuited.

a*GIANT* WTF-my personal american idol was actually on american idol?
why iggy,why??????

on one hand i agree with elijah wood's assessment-a little education in badassery for the masses-but i dunno i can't help but feel a little disappointed.


i wonder if the biopic will ever see the light of day...

and even though i wasn't sure elijah wood would've been the right person to play iggy i would rather him play iggy than lindsay lohan....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"i been walkin the streets at night just tryin to get it right...

hard to see when so many around you know i don't like bein stuck in the crowd and the streets don't change but maybe the name i ain't got time for the game cause i need you,yeah yeah yeah i need you...."

i love gnr completely without irony.

patience is a virtue.maybe there's a reason i totally rock this at karaoke.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

i'm wilting

i think it's 99 degrees today or something ridiculous like that.

this is one of my favorite songs-well specifically this version of this song.

i had never heard the who's version of this,not bad!

don't look back

i remember i got free tickets to a screening of this and i took this guy i was dating to it because bob dylan was his favorite.i used to hate dylan but after seeing the movie i definitely changed my tune.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

this weekend's playloop

my friend aaron once said to me "who gets CAN stuck in their head???!?!?! only *you* stephanie".i know i can't be the only person who gets this song stuck in their head all the fucking time.

sooooooo good!!!

i just learned that hallogallo was a slang term for wild partying in germany...the more you know

i can't say that i've really liked the food there much but i would probably go to kraftwork if they played krautrock.when it was about to open i got really excited at the idea that that's what the bar would be like but alas no.

i started writing a rap song.it will never be as good as this though.

i've been listening to a LOT of garage rock lately again.it makes me want to go record shopping really bad.