Sunday, July 31, 2011

best day ever


and as if that weren't enough i'm also going to the pizza brain guinness world record event!

today may wind up being too much for my brain to handle.

"For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula..."

"...the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us." -bukowski

Saturday, July 30, 2011

this is how the weekends usually go

completely obsessed with this version

the next recipient of a mixtape from me(a.k.a. naturally,a recipient of my affections) will probably be hearing this

sometimes my opinion can be pliable

so on monday i got into a debate with my friends about the tv show "king of the hill".they were all completely PRO king of the hill.i have always been completely bewildered as to why anyone would ever watch the show unless they lived in a trailer or in texas.

however i found this online today and think it might now be something i could give a second chance to watching.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


harsh vibes is my favorite band. TRUTH!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

no joke

most adam sandler movies make me feel the exact same way

the absolute best cd single i ever bought

beck's "nobody's fault but my own" japanese import cd single had these three gems on's been a while since i've listened to beck, which is strange considering a few years ago to say i was fanatical about beck would have been a *huge* understatement.make no bones about it,it's indisputable the guy is a musical genius.these three songs alone break my heart every time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

point break turns 20 today

there was a pinup size page ripped out of a magazine of this exact picture in my locker for the duration of high school. complete with a self inflicted lipstick kiss mark.

just your average everyday courtney shane

gee thanks for the nightmares youtube!

i typed in youtube and the first "recommended for you" video that popped up before i typed in any search at all was this.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

well you gotta choose one or the other

hold the olives


my friends sir francis and oshinko sent this picture to me simultaneously and i am still at a loss for words...

i'm having a reaaaallllly hard time believing this is for real.if it,i just don't know.maybe the effects of the fallout from the japanese nuclear meltdown?

hungry? me too

i learned earlier today that japan has specific days a year to eat unagi. this year they fall on july 21 and aug 2.this got me interested in strange food customs and i think i'm going to start following national food holidays. whenever i can't decide what i want to eat i'll just use this as a reference.

i have no idea where to find a decent pina colada around here but i desperately want one now.

i've still got a flame gun for the cute cute cute ones

i always did love this song

Friday, July 8, 2011

they really exist!

almost every day in my neighborhood there's a truck riding around selling fresh produce out of the back and someone yells out the wares over a megaphone in the same exact monotone script.

what struck me is the part where they say "we've got strawberries,red ripe bananas..." i thought they must have meant bananas and red ripe strawberries but no they say it every single day.

so for a little while i've been wondering what the hell is a "red ripe banana". well they exist!

why or how they are getting such an exotic delicacy in fishtown i have no idea but i guess i'm gonna have to run out and buy some to give em a try now. huh...who knew!

if you ever need a little cheering up this is your prescription

for as many times as i have seen this movie i will never ever stop laughing at it.EVER.

Friday, July 1, 2011

you need some guidin baby

hulk smash!!!!

this made me laugh

for the sophisticated bride

ummmm....who would wear this?!!!!!

my future album cover

this is amaaaaaaaaazing!!!!
a-quaaludes would be an AWESOME band name
b-"the quest for oblivion",shit,perfect album title
c-the pseudo e.t. people in blankets in the artwork are super creepy but definitely gonna make you think this is going to rock so fucking hard