Monday, December 31, 2012

today can last another million years

last year went down the drain,they all do really


if i had to guess what tonight would look like

possibly some combination of these two pictures

well,my fingers are crossed anyway

there's certainly no beating the zombies original (and i really,really like the zombies) but i actually really,really like this cover too.

should old acquaintance be forgot

this is probably more depressing than any other new year's eve song ever written but i'd still rather listen to this on new year's than ever have to hear u2's "new year's day" ever again.

a question on many minds on new year's eve

so good.


no one ever knows the words

lyrically it's kind of actually a downer of a song but it doesn't sound nearly as depressing done punk.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

all i want for christmas is who

going back to the shire

looks like i'm going to see the hobbit:an unexpected journey for a second time tonight.this time in imax as well as may even be with the supplement of some old toby this time,we'll see.

Monday, December 17, 2012

all i want for christmas is dudes

so here's what brings people to my blog apparently

so on this momentous occasion of a bunch of people having looked at my blog a bunch (or maybe just one person looking at it over 10 thousand times) i figured i'd give some stats.

apparently the searches people have looked up to bring them to my blog include but are not limited to:

union jack cake
punk cake
halloween pinup
small wonder
fat vagina
henry rollins
henry rollins dad
henry rollins sons of anarchy
henry rollins long hair
postpunk peanuts
stephanie says porn
better than okcupid
"pain be gone i will have no more of thee"
coconut cream

my site is by no means your one stop shop for all things henry rollins.i only blogged about him a couple times...i have no idea why that's what is bringing people to my blog but ok)

also,the people of russia,switzerland,brazil and australia are into going to my blog for some reason.

that special time of year

10,000th pageview is a milestone or something i guess

who even reads this thing?!

the only prescription is more...

i was just reminded that i've been a bit on the boycrazy side since before i even entered kindergarten.i guess not much has really changed.

the use of cowbell in this song is pretty outstanding.

american gothic

i just started re-watching breaking bad from the very beginning again.cause well,why not?i've got plenty of time before the new episodes start.


this has always been a great song but it suddenly just got a little bit cooler when i watched the video-the younger version of neil young is played by dale crover from the melvins.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

krampus lauf

i went to the philly krampus lauf at liberty lands was pretty cool-i mean not much to it so far but the costumes were amazing.

the website will probably have pics in the next few days and at the very least if you bookmark it you can probably get the details for next year's festival.

if i had a time machine

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

peanuts for emos

i've been in a miserable funk for about a month.i need to get out of my emo charlie brown state pronto.

your period.sponsored by walt disney

it's sort of strange that walt disney made an educational cartoon short about your first period.i mean the stork is what delivers babies in disney cartoons and i've certainly never thought of my period with any amount of cartoon whimsy.

Friday, December 7, 2012

singles going steady

at first i was looking at 50s instructional videos and thinking about posting because of their outdated corniness but i found one that in actuality it's not really all that different from today's'd be really nice to know where you stand with people instead of assuming the good or the bad.i'm definitely a "marie" wondering if the "jeff" will be asking me out,sitting around at home harping on what he might think and curious if he isn't calling why aren't the other boys calling.

it's been a while since i've "gone steady" with anyone but then again, if you look at the other 50s dating instructional videos out there on youtube i'm the kind of delinquent deb who will kiss the boy at the end of the first date and allow too much heavy petting.


i just learned of this sweet psych band magic lantern last night.a little too late on the boat but shit is gooooood.

i just found the songs on youtube but i definitely need to get this one on vinyl

dark cicadas

moon lagoon platoon


on the dime
