Sunday, July 29, 2012

baby,she was born this way

mama cass singing in pufnstuf.i'd rather watch this than any of lady gaga's schtick any day of the's a shame mama cass wasn't as popular considering she had more talent in her pinky toe than lady gaga could ever hope for.

it's probably more of a shame her legacy is that people think she died while choking on a ham sandwich.she died in her sleep of a heart attack while staying in harry nilsson's flat,a heart attack which was possibly due to the fact that she was doing some pretty extreme dieting in the months following up to her death.

4 years later keith moon died in the same flat at the same age.
and the lesson here? whatever you do,don't stay at nilsson's.

this meeting was probably not sponsored by chick-fil-a

Thursday, July 26, 2012

thurston thursday



i had pig's head bruschetta yesterday and it was AAAAAA-MAAAAAAZZZZZZ-INNNNNNGGG!!

pig's tail was also delicious.never thought i'd ever be saying either of those things but it's good to be adventurous in life.if you ever get the chance to go to alla spina definitely do,totally worth it.

i bet this was an interesting party