Tuesday, October 16, 2012

a blast from the past

i saw this picture on a blog today.the old man mask on the right is one that was passed around my family for years.my mom wore it when she was pregnant and was a fat old man.i wore it once when i was probably about 11 or 12. and probably the creepiest was when my brother wore it when he was a kid-since he was short it looked like a very creepy midget old man with a big head. i hope my parents still have that mask somewhere but i know that oftentimes rubber masks from the late 70s or early 80s wind up melting from heat or getting mildewy.

more debates tonight

taco tuesday

because i'm sick.i'm sooooooo sick

i need drugs and soup and spacemen 3.stat.

Monday, October 15, 2012

the great pumpkins

we spent the afternoon at the pumpkin patch yesterday.as a house we bought an 82 pound pumpkin for our party.i bought a 42 pound pumpkin myself to carve.in addition to that i think there are at least 9 other pumpkins currently in this house.

i think we'll be serving a LOT of pumpkin seeds at this halloween party

Friday, October 12, 2012

sunny sundae smile

i just remembered that last night i dreamt that one of my best friends worked at a pizza shop and was fired for eating too much of the pizza.in order to cheer him up i played him a record that i had just received in the mail which was the first test pressing of the album for our band.in the dream our band was called "sunny sundae smile" and we were REALLY REALLY good.

1-no suprise at all that i dream about pizza and my bloody valentine
2-i need to start this band for real
3-this isn't even all that great of an mbv song but i think in my dream state i liked the alliteration of the title of the song and we certainly talk about my bloody valentine enough

do it yourself

by the pricking of my thumbs

disney did not make nearly enough dark movies like "something wicked this way comes".they should fix that.


oh nancy.