Friday, June 28, 2013

r.i.p chrissie watkins

38 years ago today chrissie watkins went missing during a moonlit skinny dip. guess what movie we'll be viewing this evening.

how i am even dating someone who has never seen jaws before completely boggles my mind.good thing he met me to fix that egregious travesty.

i'm not quite vidal sassoon

my boyfriend asked me to cut his hair the other day...i am not a professional.i think this is possibly the meaning of trust.

despite the fact that the tools he gave me to use were a beard trimmer and a pair of kitchen shears with no comb,luckily he still looks ok.

Monday, June 10, 2013

still a blank canvas

but this seems like an appropriate tattoo for me finally,no?

don't worry,JUST KIDDING.though frankly,i'm suprised someone else came up with this idea before me.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

i take the words i scatter them in space and time

since it's bad wolf day and all...

a long time ago an ex boyfriend took me to a cool,old,abandoned stadium in paterson,nj (because i'm into exploring weird places and taking pictures).there were tons of rubble and rocks scattered about that people constructed messages out of-most notably "will you go to prom with me?"-the ex was super into doctor who and we had been marathon watching it and i came up with the idea to write out "bad wolf" with the took a long time and it was a sweltering day-he complained most of the time and kept wanting to quit but i decided it HAD to be done (which is funny since i imagine he's probably taking all the credit for it now).anyway,the above photo is the result of a hard day's work carrying boulders and my love for doctor who was probably the one good thing to come out of that relationship.

timelord tuesday