Saturday, March 28, 2015

the disappearance of eleanor rigby

all three versions of "the disappearance of eleanor rigby" just popped onto netflix. so i know what i'll be doing with at least part of my weekend.

i better pop some birth control if i'm going to be looking at james mcavoy for that long.

Monday, March 9, 2015

after seeing this for a second time in the theater i can attest it's as awesome as the first time

i can't wait for this to come out on dvd so i can watch it yet again, it's gained its way into my list of absolute favorite movies.

if you haven't seen it, GO GO GO!!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

so sick of this winter

separated at birth: jackman vs darby

every time i see the commercial for this movie "chappie" all i can think of is murray from flight of the conchords.

i can't get over how much hugh jackman looks like rhys darby.
seriously, it's UNCANNY!!!

sometimes my arms bend back

Considering I've had so many twin peaks dreams lately,i decided to do a little experiment and actually try falling asleep watching twin peaks to see how it effects my dreams

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

i'm tryin here

but i'm not so i can't then i won't

apparently i couldn't stop listening to 90s pop music this morning...ah, the good ol' days...

this song is so wonderfully 14 year old mind probably did not get the full gist of it when it came out back in the day.
and not gonna lie,i was immediately reminded of a certain someone the second it came on this morning....IF only they weren't such a flake...

and if we are still being honest here, i still remember the entire dance routine to this and could probably reenact it right now.

i started putting together a workout playlist this morning

and i sort of forgot how much this song actually used to get me pumped up to work out.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

it's true, i really don't anymore

here's to a year free of crazy bullshit!
i can't even begin to express how much happier i am in my life now than i was a year ago.

if this person is brought up, i don't feel any emotion. i genuinely just think to myself "what was i ever thinking?!" which is what everyone was thinking the entire time i was with this person.i genuinely dodged a bullet.