Monday, May 30, 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

sticking with old movies for the night

It Happened One Night is absolutely one of my all time favorite movies.

so much better than bewitched

laying in bed on a rainy saturday and watching "i married a witch"

veronica lake,hair to forever aspire to

today's required listening

i thought about posting just one track but no, here's the whole damn album to brighten your day. you're welcome.

summer fantasy life

every year when it starts getting hot like this, i have this fantasy:

sitting in a lounge chair by a pool in my swimsuit,wearing high heels and sunglasses (certainly cat eye or heart shaped), being served tall cocktails with umbrellas and extra long straws by tanned men with dark hair and even darker accents in crisp,white suits as i'm mindlessly flipping through magazines and trashy,pulp novels. the handsome gentleman sitting across the pool from me strides over and strikes up a conversation and helpfully asks if i need any help getting suntan lotion on my back in a suave but not sleazy way (a young roger sterling or connery era bond, if you will).....all while listening to music like this.

60s films have ruined me for real life.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

greatest line of the series so far

been bingeing on californication while i've been sick and this moment made me do a little squeal of joy.
i love when shows give little nudges to the fans like this.

Monday, May 23, 2016

anyone's guess how i got here

i left my job at the bank to go back to another job helping out a friend in the interim who offered more pay to make money while i keep looking for another job.i needed to quit at the bank on my own terms before i got fired for just walking out one day when the inevitable snap was going to happen (one can only take so much bs). while this job is another kind of frustrating, it seemed like the lesser of two evils while i continue sending out resumes for jobs more suited to my skills/tastes.

however,sending out resumes is mind-numbingly monotonous.

i like both versions of this song

got up this morning, baby,and i said my mornin prayer

good jam for a monday mornin when i feel like the walking dead.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

psychic teens new jam

once upon a time, i was lucky enough to have psychic teens play at my birthday party and just like this new video, it too was a magical experience

Friday, May 20, 2016

sometimes i wish i could rest indefinitely but i know it's not the best

this song is haunting

head held high

two weeks ago i finally quit my soul sucking job.i wrote a 3 page long exit interview that was a literary mic drop. i remained professional to the end but held nothing back in was like finally leaving an emotionally abusive relationship that you naively believed things would someday,somehow get better.the other party tells you that you need them but you snap out of it and grow the confidence to get out and tell them you don't anymore and honestly how shitty they actually were.i was incredibly proud of myself.
i've moved on. i have zero regrets other than staying there as long as i did.

riding the bus right now

actually doing this on the bus right now. the woman next to me seriously has dragon breath and is talking non-stop on her phone. i can't help the gagging faces i'm making at this point. i desperately search for gum to offer but to no avail.

singular life

i think i stopped blogging because i was wildly happy and in love for quite a while and allowed myself to be completely voluntarily consumed by it.

and then i had my heart broken and tragically was consumed by that as well.i fell into an abyss of sorts.

i'm coming back round to myself again.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


i've been listening to a lot of new music lately (or at least new to me) and it's been pretty exciting discovering new stuff and getting out of the totally jaded mindset slump that i've been in for a while.

diggin this band Nots a lot.

it's been too long, time to resurrect the blog