Monday, August 22, 2016

he doesn't know me anymore

quite a difference a year makes. it's amazing how someone can come in, consume your life and a year later they are a complete stranger and you start to wonder if they ever were the person you thought you knew.
i also love the choices this person put together of toxic romance for this video.

Friday, August 19, 2016

moderation is key

toast of london

i had no idea matt berry actually had a recording career and actual serious albums aside from being a comedian. i also never heard of toast of london (the show this is the theme song for) so i guess i'm going to have to check it out.

this song is actually really good.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

terror waits for you in every room

a truly great way to spend this steamy saturday afternoon- a seventies horror anthology

the house that dripped blood is a classic for a reason.
how can you go wrong with christopher lee and peter cushing?

i love the psychedelic 70s lighting of the peter cushing section of the film...though it's weird his wardrobe is a cross between his gothic horror costumes from other movies and mr. furley from three's company.

jon pertwee looks straight pimpin in his section of the movie.and i love how there's an insider nod/joke/loving jab towards christopher lee and hammer horror dracula by him.

i really want this weird occult flag behind the shopkeeper

and of course it wouldn't be complete without ingrid pitt,queen of vampires....

Thursday, August 11, 2016

i've waited so long,so long to play this part

when i was first learning to play guitar,i played this song over and over til my fingers bled because part of me realllllyyyyy wanted to be jane wiedlin when i grew up. i now actually know how to play every instrument part of this song (except for the drums).i seriously cannot tell you how excited i am to actually see the go-go's live tonight

i am the girl of 100 lists from what shall i wear to who i have kissed

"Ricky and Danny and Terry and Jim
Dean lasted six months-don't forget him
Perhaps some day this list will end
Till then I tally my gentlemen friends"'s amazing that i'm not the actual author of these lyrics

Monday, August 8, 2016

hello,darkness,my old friend

watching The Graduate since it's been a while.

and in a lot of ways i can relate on quite a few levels to almost all of the characters at this point in my life.

i need to get my mrs robinson wardrobe together...but specifically the leather print lingerie and coat.i just realized i'm the same age as anne bancroft in this movie.

resetting my non-drinking timer for a while

Thursday, August 4, 2016

turning into a lizard person

as i'm laying in bed watching the mighty boosh this scene pops on *just* as i was peeling a layer of sunburnt skin from my arm

today's mood

the people i've been dealing with at work today....ugh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

call me morbid,call me pale,i've spent too long on your trail

today i bought a ticket to see morrissey here next month. it will be my first time,it's honestly kind of long overdue.

hopefully he doesn't cancel due to the fact that meat is actually bought,sold and consumed within 10 miles of the venue he is playing at.

resisting the desire to chop off my hair

i need to dye my hair (the blonde roots are very long and very light right now) but instead of cutting it all off like i often do when i get bored i think i'm just going to keep letting it grow long long longer...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

the k, the l, the f and the ology

it turns out the klf actually *is* eternal

no idea how this suddenly got stuck in my head today

ahhh, the early 90s.
the beginnings of rave culture...a unique time in music history.

what made me think of this song today? i have no idea.
i also had no idea until today that this sample was kate bush.

i remember at the tender age of 13 i had taped this off the radio on my boombox on a maxell cassette along with a few choice other songs (i remember KLF "3am eternal" was right after this on that tape). i would go down the basement with my boombox and get pumped up to ride the exercise bike and workout for 90 minutes.

then i saw the updated remix video for this song that came out in 2008

and now i think i have some ideas for a brand new workout routine.