Friday, September 30, 2011

make up to break up

before karen o there was siouxsie sioux

kowalski vs halleluwah

i cannot believe i never noticed the similarity between kowalski and halleluwah until just now

btw-irvine welsh is one of the photographers in this video

Sunday, September 25, 2011

cabin fever gettin the best of me

ok i think i need to get out of my apartment tonight afterall.i'm still slightly sick but i'm starting to go stir crazy

Friday, September 23, 2011


such a classic.the richard gere 80s remake,yeah,not so much.

"are you afraid of getting old?i am"

"new york herald tribune!"

mark e season

so i guess it's my official fall appreciation seems on the autumnal equinox every year i listen to the fall all day long....for obvious reasons

"...let me put it this way,for myself,if there was a holy grail mr. smith would be the only one allowed to pick it up"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

long before the spice girls there was another kind of girl power

today is joan jett's birthday.she's still a total badass but it's a shame she looks so weird nowadays from having so much work done on her face.

through reading about joan today i also discovered it was lita's birthday 4 days ago and that i share the same birthday as cherie currie in november

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

she's a sad tomato

so r.e.m.,who were around for my entire lifetime,finally called it quits today.
when i was a kid/teen i really loved that's funny to me because they are definitely one of those bands i've grown out of so much to the point that i immediately roll my eyes whenever i hear them and reach to turn off for the most part now.

i saw them live in 99 with my friend matt,it was a pretty good show from what i can remember.though i think what i remember the most from the show was me getting kind of teared up and emo during a song because i had recently broken up with someone who had put it on a mixtape for me.who knows,maybe that's what ruined r.e.m. for me.

or maybe it's the fact that one of my high school art teachers looked exactly like mike mills and as i became an adult realized what a creeper the guy actually was.

however,for the record this will always be my favorite r.e.m. i will never roll my eyes at or turn off. (well,no wonder,thurston moore is on it)

"Bill Groundhog Day Ghostbustin' Ass Murray"

bill murray turned 61 today.i'm still really hoping he decides to be in the new ghostbusters sequel or else it probably won't be worth watching.i mean he did garfield so it's not like it'd be the lowest point of his career if it turned out to be a flop...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


i was reading an article not too long ago about words that have no real counterpart in english portuguese there's a word saudade that loosely translated “refers to the feeling of longing for something or someone that you love and which is lost".in german they have a similar word sehnsucht.c.s. lewis wrote about it and described it basicly as that feeling of deep yearning or missing something intensely but you might not be able to put your finger on exactly what it is you're missing.

i think i've been feeling something closer to sehnsucht.i've been feeling it a while and maybe sehnsucht for me is that feeling of missing having someone to make mixtapes for.

i'm really good at it and i miss poring over records for hours to find just the exact right song.i also miss receiving's been a couple years.
these songs belong on a mixtape

such a great duet

i kind of forgot about this song until hearing it again tonight.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

bottle up and explode

happy 60th birthday elvira!

i can;t believe how great she looks for 60!

not gonna lie,to be elvira would still be one of my dream was definitely one of my best halloween costumes i ever had

greater than gravity

i will take this over pixar any day of the week

it's sad i relate much more to the girl squirrel than i would ever like to fully admit to.

let's wake up the neighbors

god i fucking love this man

seriously,he kills me.

the free pop electronic concept

i'm a fool but i'm cool

it is nine kinds of ridiculous that i still don't own this on dvd yet

why has it taken me so long to watch the long version?!

i am in love with everything about this

and for the record-if elijah wood ever asks me if i want to grab some pizza the answer is an emphatic hell yes.though to be totally fair i'm most likely going to always say yes to pizza no matter who is doin the asking.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

current disposition

i've been feeling like this song every day for the past while.

looking for a new place to live is one of the most stressful things's like looking for a new job.oh wait,i'm trying to do both!

this of course leads to anxiety and panic attacks-wheeeeee!!!!

and well,this isn't my first but...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

i miss the old days

but they seemed like such nice girls

1970 rollin in sight

someone chanced upon some awesome rare stooges photos from 1970...wish it were me!

to see more of em go here.

prayer of reformation

i think i'm probably still more disappointed by the breakup of jonathan fire*eater than i was for any of my relationships.

hey let's face it i've had bad taste in dudes but great taste in bands

for as much as i love the kills heir cover version just isn't up to snuff for me

(i sort of think i bloggged about this before but i'm too lazy to bother looking through all of my entries)

Friday, September 2, 2011

weekend prep

i'm going camping for the first time ever this weekend.

all i know about camping i learned from horror flicks so honestly watching this is really the only way i know how to prepare