Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

without music life would be a mistake

i have zoned out for a reaaalllyyy long time playing this on my guitar before.i could also easily zone out playing it on repeat in my headphones.which i probably will do at some point today.

this does not bode well for anyone

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

pretty in punk?

this was taken in 1986.same year pretty in pink came out.beck was about 16.
is he doing an impersonation of duckie here?

120 minutes blew my teenage mind.

there hasn't been any music on mtv in years.even the newly brought back beavis and butthead is mostly cracking jokes at reality shows instead of music videos.
but there once was a magical time in the early 90s....

i definitely remember watching this when it aired and squealing like a teenage girl.because,well,i actually *was* a teenage girl.

when the loser video came out i was immediately smitten and could no longer relate to my friends who thought of beck as "that weirdo stoner with the weirdo video on mtv" and not the beautiful subversive artistic genius i envisioned him as.

if you've never been a teenager (which honestly,i truly can't imagine some people having ever been an awkward teenager),everything is very seriously dramatic when you're's all "nobody understaaaaaaaaaaannnndddds me!!!!" and "you just don't *get* it.DO you?"

as an adult now i can look at this little time capsule and say "sure they really *were* these artistic subversive geniuses i thought they were! but yeah,ok,i admit it WAS a little weird and they were almost definitely stoned"

oh,i feel ya,kev

i still get like this.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

forget about kim and thurston for a minute

jon and cristina are still together.

jon spencer plus faster pussycat kill kill.yes please.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

operation mind fuck

you know that "if you could invite 5 famous people to dinner who would they be" question?

this is why mark e smith is in my five.

the entire article is so entertainingly quotable-naturally.that's mark e smith par for the course.
i can definitely imagine the idea of sitting in a pub with mark having a double jameson and talking about how both of our grandfathers were plumbers.
but i can't wrap my mind around getting a "psychic reading" from him.the idea alone blows my freaking mind.can you imagine what it would be like?????!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

he's a loner,dottie.a rebel

who doesn't want to be the arm candy of some knight in shining leather jacket?i'm certain there are some shangri-las style songs just waiting to come out of me

this sums it up

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ohhhh yes wave

one of my favorite gifts i've gotten in the past few years was this book.i've been revisiting it lately.

my favorite band when i lived in portland was green circles-their sound was pretty much this wonderful hybrid of james chance and joy division.

he whips his hair back and forth

nick cave in 1982

Monday, November 7, 2011

no choices left

oddly i just came across a song that i cowrote and played on.circa 2000.fucking weird.i'm not really crazy about it but i guess we had the start of some good ideas at least.i'm not proud of it nor am i embarassed by is what it was.finding it online was kind of like opening a time capsule.i remember the recording and mixing process:the very definition of insanity..

so um,yeah.there ya go.a little piece of my past musical history.
No Choices Left

it's lunchtime

"a cocktail definitely"

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ooh i love that butter sauce

this song sounds like me and a couple of friends hung out with lil b and wrote a song while stoned at 2am. my friend sarah sent it to me a couple days ago and i've become a little obsessed.

and while we're on the subject of songs about the best thing ever...
i've never voted republican but it's tempting this year.

i'll have to try a slice of his chain's pizza before making that sort of important determination though.

dietary needs