Monday, November 21, 2011

120 minutes blew my teenage mind.

there hasn't been any music on mtv in years.even the newly brought back beavis and butthead is mostly cracking jokes at reality shows instead of music videos.
but there once was a magical time in the early 90s....

i definitely remember watching this when it aired and squealing like a teenage girl.because,well,i actually *was* a teenage girl.

when the loser video came out i was immediately smitten and could no longer relate to my friends who thought of beck as "that weirdo stoner with the weirdo video on mtv" and not the beautiful subversive artistic genius i envisioned him as.

if you've never been a teenager (which honestly,i truly can't imagine some people having ever been an awkward teenager),everything is very seriously dramatic when you're's all "nobody understaaaaaaaaaaannnndddds me!!!!" and "you just don't *get* it.DO you?"

as an adult now i can look at this little time capsule and say "sure they really *were* these artistic subversive geniuses i thought they were! but yeah,ok,i admit it WAS a little weird and they were almost definitely stoned"

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