Friday, March 23, 2012

don juan

i am super excited about the return of mad men on i just need to figure out where the hell i can watch it!

smokin on menthols and sippin on gin and juice

twee pop meets snoop dogg.perfect soundtrack for me cleaning my room today.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

you're pulling my heart on a string


i recently found out this guy i used to work with years ago tried to kill his parents by purposely starving them to death.

he was always a really really strange dude.

this reminded me of it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

"peggy,this isn't china. there's no money in virginity"

as i'm sure you've heard by now, naked pics of christina hendricks were leaked today.i'm not posting them on my blog or attaching a link or anything, just letting you know they're out there.they look legit (as in if they *were* photoshopped someone did a DAMN good job).in all honesty,i'm really shocked it took this long for racy pictures of her to emerge considering she's pretty much the sexiest celebrity out in years-who *wouldn't* want to see her naked?! but i don't understand why,if you are a celebrity, you'd even take nude cell phone pictures of yourself in the first place.the new season of mad men starts in a couple weeks,was this a publicity stunt reminding everyone to tune back in since maybe people forgot after the 16 month hiatus why we were all watching in the first place?

i wonder what joan holloway would say in a similar experience.*

*i refuse to refer to her as joan harris.that marriage is a farce.

today it was just cats but often this is applicable

long live mark e smith!

a fucking living legend turns 55.

obviously he's one of my heroes but this documentary comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!