as i'm sure you've heard by now, naked pics of christina hendricks were leaked today.i'm not posting them on my blog or attaching a link or anything, just letting you know they're out there.they look legit (as in if they *were* photoshopped someone did a DAMN good job).in all honesty,i'm really shocked it took this long for racy pictures of her to emerge considering she's pretty much the sexiest celebrity out in years-who *wouldn't* want to see her naked?! but i don't understand why,if you are a celebrity, you'd even take nude cell phone pictures of yourself in the first place.the new season of mad men starts in a couple weeks,was this a publicity stunt reminding everyone to tune back in since maybe people forgot after the 16 month hiatus why we were all watching in the first place?
i wonder what joan holloway would say in a similar experience.*

*i refuse to refer to her as joan harris.that marriage is a farce.
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