Tuesday, August 28, 2012

it's possible i don't have insomnia

i was thinking about taking a sleep aid tonight to trick my body into sleeping a normal 8 hours all at once at a normal bedtime like everyone else.i really probably should have followed through with that.


  1. Good morning. :)

    Have you seen the historical study that was released earlier in the year that suggests we aren't meant, or at least we didn't used, to sleep for 8 hours a night. Before lights and before people started punching time clocks, the normal sleep pattern seems to have been for three or four hours at a time with an awake period in the middle of the night/morning.

    People would get up (or stay in bed if they had a good reason to), read, go out and talk with the neighbors, etc...then go back to bed.

    Diaries, newspapers, etc. all seem to tell the same story. These same sources start reporting the first sleep issues once people started trying to sleep 8 hours straight. HA.

  2. i had NOT heard about that...very interesting...
    i have read studies that correlate insomnia with a high i.q.,so i mean,i'll take that.

  3. Damn right we'll take it. It must be true.
