Saturday, March 30, 2013

thank the timelords

it was announced today that david tennant will be back for the 50th anniversary episode.WHEW-breathing a sigh of relief.

also,i could just about stare at this picture forever.

get used to it


like delia derbyshire writing a spaghetti western theme song.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

he's a ghost, he's a god, he's a man, he's a guru

timelord tuesday

i think i'll make this a regular thing now.i certainly have enough doctor who related things on my laptop.

if this ad were real i definitely would have answered it.

not my dream dude afterall

last night i actually dreamt that joseph gordon-levitt was my boyfriend and i broke up with him because he didn't like the jesus and mary chain.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

since i can't be at the obits show right now...

might as well post a video.

being broke sucks.

Obits - The City is Dead from (((unartig))) on Vimeo.


it's bret easton ellis's birthday.he's one of my favorite authors but it genuinely worries me when i relate to his characters.

i mean since it's arthur lee's birthday and all....

there aren't very many songs with my name in them.

"there are things we can't get anywhere...but we dream they can be found in other people"

i do like beach house a lot already.this video directed by eric wareheim starring ray wise kind of just put them over the top.the song even has a bit of a julee cruise feel to it.

it's that time of the month

thurston thursday


panic attacks

currently having panic attacks about paying bills.there's not much i can do right now that i'm not already doing-i found a part time gig and have one to two more lined up-but the money is just not rolling in fast enough.

worrying isn't helping but i can't seem to take my mind off of it and i have a feeling i won't be sleeping easy tonight.