Friday, August 23, 2013

nightmares with friends

i had two nightmares last night.

the first one i went to some business convention that a lot of my friends were all also randomly going to on some island resort.i decided i was going to go too because you could rent these weird deep sea helicopters that would plunge into the ocean and you could go on a dive to see great white sharks in them instead of in cages.i did that and it was awesome but when i got back from the dive unscathed it turned out a lot of people i know were hypnotized into being involved in a major drug cartel and a giant apocalyptic shoot out ensued.i was crawling in the sand to get my flip flops and realized one of the straps had broken so i would have to go barefoot.then i was shot multiple times and killed.i'm pretty sure i died in the dream-i remember having that moment of memories of "ok so this is what i'm remembering on my deathbed,i guess this is what's really important".i always had heard that if you die in your dream you die in your sleep in real life too but i guess i was resurrected somehow because then i was in a bar/restaurant with a few friends who also escaped the gunfire.then one guy who was involved who vaguely looked like andy from parks and rec told me the new job they had all gotten they thought was an insurance company but a hypnotist actually had them dealing drugs without their knowledge and the business conference they had gone to the hypnotist came out and hypnotized them into shooting everyone because there was a breach in security or something and too many people discovered the secret drug cartel.then the guy told me the hypnotist suggested he might be gay and it had never occurred to him before the hypnotist but now he thinks he might be.i told him it made total sense.then i realized i was still bleeding all over the place and was looking for napkins or towels or something to sop up all the blood from my multiple gunshots,then ran into someone i used to know and tried to act like everything was normal and that i wasn't bleeding to death.then the dream pretty much faded out.

in the second dream i was hanging out with my best friend in a seaside town in catholic school uniforms (despite the fact that we never went to school together and have only known each other as adults) talking on the corner waiting for a bus.then this man who was about 8 feet tall and looked like some cross between christopher lee and ted williams (the homeless man who turned into "the man with the golden voice") dressed in strange rags approached us creepily.i can't remember what he said but we were completely terrified of him and we ran to a multi-story beach house that seemed like a giant labyrinth- up winding staircases,through door after door and he was always right on our tail despite the fact that we were running and he was just slinking some point we realized he had a scyth so any of the doors that simply had a hook and latch type lock he could get through some point my friend and i lost each other and i wound up in the very top,tiny, attic room.then she called me and told me she escaped with her dad and good luck.i was crouched next to the door shaking in a fetal position knowing i was about to be murdered by this guy and then i woke up.