Saturday, September 14, 2013

one year ago

so the story goes like this:

last april i went to see my friend's band.i noticed the handsome guitar player and thought "wow,how have i never met this dude before?! he's hot".i then quickly pushed that out of my head as i was there with my boyfriend at the time and i shouldn't be checking out other dudes anyway.after the show the guy i was dating at the time broke up with me and broke my heart.months later i recovered and signed up for okstupid and started talking to this first thought was "who is this hipster goofball with his bandana?" but very quickly realized he was something special,a cut above the rest. because philly is the biggest small town ever we quickly realized we knew people in common. and then came to the realization that despite the fact i didn't recognize him from his pictures he was the guitar player from my friend's band that night.turns out the girl he was dating at the time of that show broke up with him that night as well.before our date i ran into my friend that was in the band and told him i would be going on a date with his buddy.his reaction was "oh yeah! why did i never think of that before?! he's great,really nice guy,you'll definitely like him and he'll be into you.he's really nerdy.he's a scientist and into music" so even before our first date he was getting some accolades from a trusted source.

so september 14,2012: i decide to meet this guy on my home turf,my local bar that's pretty much my version of roommate was working and i knew plenty of people that would be there in case the date went awful and all i'd need to do was signal for help.i got there about half an hour late due to me being completely indecisive on what outfit to wear and me trying to cover up the eruption of mount saint helen's that woefully decided to appear on my face a few hours before going out.

we meet and he's even more handsome than his pictures and more handsome than i had remembered from the time i saw his band.he was wearing a navy button down and black jeans and boots.i was wearing a green shirt,black skirt,tights and my motorcycle boots.i was pretty nervous at first but i felt completely at ease with him within the first ten minutes.i remember we talked a lot about "lost" and did our michael caine some point he was drunk enough to demonstrate what the "gangnam style" dance was in the middle of the was hilarious but to this day i've never seen the actual internet video sensation so i have nothing to compare it to.despite the fact that i knew a ton of people there that night we were pretty much in our own little bubble enjoying each other's company.

at some point sitting at the bar, we had our first kiss.i'm not sure who initiated it though i *think* it was him, i'm not sure i would have had the balls to do it. (a few days later witnesses commented on the spectacle.)

the date continued into the next day when we went to the red bull flugtag contest which neither of us had ever been was a beautiful early fall day,perfect weather.i was suprised how at ease and comfortable i felt with him and when my friend ran into us at the festival even commented on how it seemed like we'd known each other forever and not just on our second date.

one of the best first dates i had ever been on,if not THE best.

i remember a lot of other things from that weekend too but this post is already more personal than i usually ever get on this thing.

there was some back and forth,some anguish and uncertainty but we eventually got together for real 8 months later.

after all this time, the trials and tribulations,i could not be happier or more in love and am certainly glad we met.

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