Thursday, June 30, 2016

the ultimate throwback thursday

i'd like to take you back in time.
a time where acid wash,eyeliner and big teased hair were as far as the eye could see at the jersey shore.
a time where neon spandex,leg warmers and off-the shoulder sweatshirts would whiz by you at the roller rink in northeast philly.

the time of my childhood.

i present to you my newly revamped ultimate summer playlist: roller skating jams and gravitron anthems (united skates of america vs morey's pier)

allow me to set the scene:

Friday, June 24, 2016

the perfect start to the weekend

i couldn't even tell you how obsessed i am with this song.i love love love love love it.
i've listened to it multiple times a day for a couple of months now. it instantly puts me in a great mood.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

but i was different

this song makes me feel wistful and romantic.i wish i were laying on a blanket with someone under the stars listening to this.

guess i'll be listening to japanese psychrock for the rest of my night...

once i fall down that rabbithole, i'm in it for hours.

i can't believe i had never heard this band til now.this is sooooooooooo good.

feeling nostalgic

today i was randomly thinking of this show i went to in 2012 and lo and behold, luckily for me, someone took video and put it on youtube.must be the weather.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

i honestly wish i knew

was talking to one of my close friends in portland tonight and he has been going through the same kinds of issues with girls too, so i'm not alone in this sudden mystery rejection theme that comes with modern dating.i still don't get it though.i should be used to this kind of thing by now but it still stings.

when i think of father's day this scene immediately comes to mind

Thursday, June 16, 2016

an underrated movie

...soooo much of this is articulate and completely relatable.

very glad that cashback is on hulu right now so i can rewatch it.

the melody breaks flashing faster than time

i've been listening to renegade soundwave all night.

i hadn't listened to "howyoudoin?" *nearly* as much as i used to listen to "soundclash" (which was pretty much near constantly for a good while years ago) and so tonight i somehow i completely forgot that this song even existed (which is funny as it's self titled).

it is basically the riff from gainsboug's "bonnie and clyde" over and over with some dub beats and laissez-faire barely sung,mostly spoken british vocals.but it just totally works in this whole casual vibey way.

this video is so painstakingly 90s that it's a pretty good time capsule of certain cliches in music videos of that era...

it's not the best in their catalogue but i still enjoy it. and it also makes me want to listen to the original and that's always a win

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

28 days later

no one has asked me to but i've gone 28 days without smoking...i'm going to pretend the one day i had drinks with friends and just so happened to have one teensy little cigarette 12 days ago doesn't count,because let's face it,that's still really pretty good.

i can't believe i've done so well.not saying i don't still want to smoke sometimes,because i do.
not saying i won't ever smoke a cigarette ever again,because i probably will at some point.

but i'm still proud of myself on being healthier nonetheless.

but i have to stop thinking about it because writing about not smoking and thinking about how stressful the last week or so has been is actually making me really want a cigarette.

stella in the sheets and a blanche in the streets

i got really into tennesee williams when i was about 15 or so.voraciously read the collected works.
re-reading "a streetcar named desire" as an adult is such a vastly different experience than when i read it as a teenager.
i understood it conceptually...but only to an an adult having had a lot of different life experiences since then i really "GET" it a teenager i never found the characters relatable,but now they all are,each and every one of's like seeing something so familiar in a very different light.

the jumpstart i needed to my morning

Monday, June 13, 2016

and 'tis a fine butt indeed

how can you say i go about things the wrong way?

i never thought this song would still be so thematic to my life at this age,how emo of me!

it's been long enough since i've heard this song though that i can actually listen to it without rolling my eyes a little.which i think it had gotten to at some point because not only was it so often in rotation just everywhere, morrissey started being in the news again and being just so overly obnoxious. i wish mozz hadn't grown into such a pratt in his old age because the man reaaaalllllly was a lyrical genius.if you can't find even just one morrissey lyric that you completely relate to,you probably aren't human.

this is my number two favorite smiths song

but this is still and ALWAYS will be my favorite smiths song

seriously,once i get to the point in my listening to the smiths that i put on "that joke isn't funny anymore" that's all there is to the night/day....this song on repeat,over and over...johnny marr's guitars in this...i just swoon over and over and over...i genuinely cannot get enough of it.

well,i can't do much else right now

sitting in a bar/restaurant across from my job waiting to hear when i can walk back into work because there are surprise auditors and i wasn't technically supposed to be there today....

Friday, June 10, 2016

friday night zen

if i had a dime for the amount of times someone has said i look like laura much so that my nickname when i lived in portland was "the muffin".these days i look more like maddy ferguson.

the last episode aired 25 years ago today and that seems as good a reason as any for me to binge watch my favorite show for the thousandth time.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Saturday, June 4, 2016

the new sound of music

this super cool 1979 bbc documentary is a time capsule of the evolution of electronic music from the player pianos and phonographs from the turn of the century to the analog synths end experimental music emerging at the time.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

double double double double double double double dare

i figured it out

i've listened to this song a LOT in the last couple of weeks.the organ and guitar loop combo is completely hypnotic and the crescendo is killer.

first phone calls

first phone calls can be so weird and nerve-wracking and daunting.

i think it went well but hopefully i didn't come off too much like some nervous weirdo spazz.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

so hey little boy, when are you gonna be a man?

my insomnia has been pretty bad again

i wish i could say my nights were sleepless because i've been up to no good but it seems i'm just going through yet another cycle of insomnia again. averaging at most 4 hours a night and then trying to slug through the day in a daze.

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