Monday, June 13, 2016

how can you say i go about things the wrong way?

i never thought this song would still be so thematic to my life at this age,how emo of me!

it's been long enough since i've heard this song though that i can actually listen to it without rolling my eyes a little.which i think it had gotten to at some point because not only was it so often in rotation just everywhere, morrissey started being in the news again and being just so overly obnoxious. i wish mozz hadn't grown into such a pratt in his old age because the man reaaaalllllly was a lyrical genius.if you can't find even just one morrissey lyric that you completely relate to,you probably aren't human.

this is my number two favorite smiths song

but this is still and ALWAYS will be my favorite smiths song

seriously,once i get to the point in my listening to the smiths that i put on "that joke isn't funny anymore" that's all there is to the night/day....this song on repeat,over and over...johnny marr's guitars in this...i just swoon over and over and over...i genuinely cannot get enough of it.

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