Sunday, July 10, 2016

there's nobody in here but us monsters

some thoughts i had while watching the original 1958 classic "the blob" for the first time:

1. apparently calling someone an "old-timer" to their face wasn't construed that much of an insult back then
2.drag racing:a 1950s dick measuring competition and form of intimidation for young men
3.the only thing they use the jail for is vagrants-these kids are lucky they live in a town in a time where vagrancy is the biggest threat
4. the film was written by a woman. i bet it was inspired by getting her period. (yes i went there,come on,the metaphors are so obvious-for starters, it looks like a giant mobile blood clot)
5. i would still really like to go to the blobfest at the colonial theater one of these days
6. and my foremost thought while viewing this: despite the fact that steve mcqueen is supposed to be playing a college aged guy, he still looks like he's in his late 40s

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