Tuesday, December 14, 2010

phurther phillies suggestions

i am totally okay with them getting rid of blanton in this cliff lee deal.i have NEVER been a fan of blanton-in fact every time i have gone to a phillies game and learned that blanton was pitching that day i was a little disappointed (hey i can't be TOO disappointed,i was still getting to go to a phillies game afterall).every time there is contract talk,trade talk,whatever,he's the first person i suggest we give up.and even though he's a lefty can we get happ back in this trade somewhow? (still don't think he should have been traded in the first place...)

and i know a lot of people liked jayson werth here (he was allright but personally i'm not that sad to see him go) but how awesome would it be if we could steal cliff lee's former rangers teammate josh hamilton in his place?

i know i'm getting a little greedy now,but i'm just throwin it out there....a girl can dream right?

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