Sunday, January 29, 2012

a big amen to that


  1. I've actully played hooky from church this morning.

    It's always nice to avoid the mad dash to get everybody ready and get out the door...but, then a couple hours later I find myself missing it. Especially communion.

    Damn you flesh and your weakness...your laziness.

  2. i was raised catholic.i've probably been an atheist since i was about 12 and still going to catholic school...there are still certain aspects of going to church i find fascinating though you won't see me in a church unless it's for a wedding or a funeral.

  3. I'm a Christian struggling with pettiness and laziness.

    We go to a very conservative Episcopal Church that has basically the same service as a Catholic Mass. I love the liturgy and can't wait until The Boy is old enough to sit through it so we can go back to the early service without the music and chanting...I find that distracting.

    I have enough racket and noise in my everyday life...and the hyms in these old services treat rythm like a mortal sin.

    White people!
