Wednesday, February 29, 2012

genuinely bummed out about this

davy jones dead at 66.

it doesn't make me sad very often when a celebrity dies but he meant so much to me a a kid.
when i was in first grade i woke up early before school every morning because there would be two episides of the monkees reruns morning my dad caught me running up to the tv and kissing it when the end credits were on and it was davy's very first childhood crush was either davy or the fonz from happy days.i was going to marry davy.naturally my 5 year old mind couldn't rationalize that 1-this was a grown man,he was like prince charming for cryin out loud! and 2-the show was originally aired at least 25 years prior to my watching it.
i sort of think my childhood crush on davy has a little something to do with why i wind up dating so many musicians or why i have a thing for british accents as an adult.and if i'm not mistaken the monkees greatest hits was the first record i ever owned.

these are two of my absolute favorite monkees songs.

letting the days go by

Monday, February 20, 2012

king monkey

this is my favorite ian brown solo song.soooo freaking good.pretty strange video too.

i actually forgot he was in a harry potter movie.

i remember when i saw the prisoner of azkaban i yelled out loud "hey wait,that's...!" but it happened so quickly i wasn't even sure.

she's over-bored and self assured

kathleen hanna graffitied about kurt cobain smelling like deodorant and pretty much changed music history.

he would have been 45 today had he lived. it sort of blows my mind (no pun intended).to say that nirvana's music impacted my life would be a huge caused me to seek out the alternatives to what was on the radio at the definitely empowered me to dig deep for quality rather than be force fed whatever garbage was being churned out and shoved in my allowed me to fall in love with a lot of what i listen to today so for that i am thankful.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

i hold out but there's no way of being what i want to be

still obsessed with this song. for maximum eargasm listen to this song on headphones at max level.

the guitars are dreamy and liz fraser just adds a whole nother level to the layers.

personally, i prefer "you are soooo good looking"

ray winstone is so fucking cool

this is one of my top five favorite movies of all time and these are some of my favorite scenes.the first one really makes me harken back to being 15 and going to punk shows-just all the energy and excitement you feel.seeing a band play so raw and refreshing and making you feel alive.i wish going to more shows now felt like this.

and ray winstone was kind of a babe.

(and yes that's paul simonen from the clash and steve jones and paul cook from the sex pistols playing with him)

i wish i were having brunch right now

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


valentine with cheese

what's this shit called love?

i hope you find the droid you're looking for

valentine from the sewer

i can't imagine telling someone i like them more than pizza-that'd be pretty serious,like engagement serious.

will you be my bloody valentine?

i would buy these and give them out to friends

and it's complicated

you're my cherry pie

you know,there's only one problem with you:you're perfect

Monday, February 13, 2012

a message from hallmark

pimpin ain't easy but if you're sellin it,it's allright

it's robbie williams's birthday,i gotta admit he's a guilty pleasure that i don't honestly feel all that guilty about.kinda like spice girls.soooo cheesy but so good and tongue in cheek at the same time.

this video is the BEST! i'm kind of obsessed with it.i feel the need to do this song for karaoke some day.

he's right you know

"you're touching my soup can,buddy!"

my friend the duke hipped me to this rollins vs. nardwuar video.
it's informative and really,really fucking funny.

"i want to change things for the better, just like everybody else"

henry rollins is 51 today.

coincidentally i just finished watching season two of sons of anarchy a couple days ago-it was so strange to see him as a white supremacist knowing what kind of person he is in real life and what he stands about the opposite of typecasting!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

antisocialist party

sometimes i feel obligated to go to things and spend time with people i don't particularly like when really all i want to do is lay in bed with blankets over my head.

just say it the way it seems