Wednesday, November 28, 2012

saint ignatius

if you happen to be in philly this weekend

i have no idea who even looks at this blog whatsoever but my birthday is friday so i'm having a big blowout with my friend maggie to celebrate at our favorite bar on saturday.check out the rad flyer our friend aaron lange drew of us for the party

(you can see more of aaron's work by going to his site )

our favorite philly bands harsh vibes and psychic teens will be playing so naturally i am psyched.

if you follow this blog at all i've talked about harsh vibes a billion enthusiasm for this band has never waivered. this show will be their cassette release party which is a nice added birthday bonus for me.
if you haven't checked them out by now (which shame on you if you haven't) here's their bandcamp site:

psychic teens are a local band i've been super digging for the past year that i am pretty sure are going to be pretty fucking huge in the very near future and i won't get to see them in a small venue for much longer so i snatched them up to play my party.selfish i know.

and i'm going to be djing along with my buddy john d a bunch of punk, postpunk, metal, psych, noise, shoegaze, etc,etc...

so if you're around philly or the fishtown area you should think about stopping by or something.

i don't wanna grow up

charlie gets it

pretty on the inside

all my test results are back and i've got a totally clean bill of health.WHEW!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

awaiting the news

i had a doctor's visit last week and am waiting out my test results.anxciety overload.i'm probably dying.

deep rest

i tend to get a little depressed around my birthday every year and start getting panic attacks about the direction my life is going: nowheresville.this year is no could be the hormones from my new birth control but the last couple days have been a little ridiculous with how emotional i'd been feeling. hopefully i snap out of it by this weekend.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

please don't bother tryin to find her

coconut cream

i don't always like thanksgiving leftovers but when i do it's pie.

today's activities

i woke up dreaming

this song could be your morning wake up call.

i actually had a dream last night that i went to visit one of my best friends in portland.she was doing a stint as a sex worker just for some insight on an art project.she was wearing an electric blue wig and trashy 80s lingerie and was tickling a 400 lb man who was wearing leather pants and a gimp mask with a peacock feather. i walked in on it and we all pretended it was the most normal thing in the world and tried to make small talk.i asked if i should put a wig on too so i wouldn't seem quite so out of place.she told me i should probably take the bus back home because she didn't want me to be ruined too.i said i should probably wait with her because it might not be safe for her to be with this strange guy alone.she insisted that i leave- if i stayed and refused to physically participate she wouldn't get paid.if i didn't go at that moment i'd be stuck there as a witness because the doors automatically bolted shut at 3.she told me directions to the bus stop and pushed me out the the apartment i was dressed in summer clothes.suddenly i'm at the bus stop dressed as though i'm ready for skiing in the mountains even though it was clearly a bright beautiful summer day.i asked a guy about my age at the bus stop if i was boarding the right bus to get back to philadelphia. he told me it was the only bus in town and i had to take it if i wanted to get out of town.its only destination was a water park and if i wanted to leave the water park i was on my own to figure it out.

annnnnd then i woke up.

now that i think about it the dream was actually VERY fire walk with me.

Friday, November 23, 2012

typical holiday question

before i even had a chance to have a drink on thanksgiving afternoon i was bombarded by my aunt on why i'm not married yet.

Monday, November 19, 2012




and on this day unto us were born two saviours

"sonic boom" peter kember and "j spaceman" jason pierce born this day in 1965.

and about 29 years and two weeks later i was given "the perfect prescription" by my uncle dave as a birthday gift forever changing the trajectory of my life.with all the talk about "jesus" and "lord" on the first listen to the album i thought my uncle had flipped his lid and was trying to brainwash me into going to church or something by handing me an album with two good looking guys with noisy electric the third listen i realized he was just trying to save my musical soul and nothing more.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

snuggling weather

i've definitely fallen asleep with my guitar like this more than once.

i think i'd prefer a dude to snuggle with this winter though.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the crying of humanity

i've always felt this song had a sinister edge to it,and that feeling is definitely amplified in the butthole surfers cover of it.

it's like accidentally witnessing some version of the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang while on a bad acid trip-a sinister,psychadellic pied piper's tune.

i miss living by myself

for the umpteenth time one of my roommates has eaten/thrown away my food in the takes a lot to piss me off but i'm kind of ready to punch someone in the face.i can't afford this shit.

Monday, November 5, 2012

melvins coverage

pretty sure i've posted this one before on my blog but it's just so gooooood!!!!!