Wednesday, November 28, 2012

if you happen to be in philly this weekend

i have no idea who even looks at this blog whatsoever but my birthday is friday so i'm having a big blowout with my friend maggie to celebrate at our favorite bar on saturday.check out the rad flyer our friend aaron lange drew of us for the party

(you can see more of aaron's work by going to his site )

our favorite philly bands harsh vibes and psychic teens will be playing so naturally i am psyched.

if you follow this blog at all i've talked about harsh vibes a billion enthusiasm for this band has never waivered. this show will be their cassette release party which is a nice added birthday bonus for me.
if you haven't checked them out by now (which shame on you if you haven't) here's their bandcamp site:

psychic teens are a local band i've been super digging for the past year that i am pretty sure are going to be pretty fucking huge in the very near future and i won't get to see them in a small venue for much longer so i snatched them up to play my party.selfish i know.

and i'm going to be djing along with my buddy john d a bunch of punk, postpunk, metal, psych, noise, shoegaze, etc,etc...

so if you're around philly or the fishtown area you should think about stopping by or something.

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