Thursday, January 31, 2013

thurston thursday

i want a range life so i can settle down

let me take you back to simpler times

i made a couple more spotify mixes this week.i'm on a roll.

you can pretend someone shoved a mixtape in your locker at lunch.cut class, put on your headphones and walk out to the school parking lot to sneak smoking some cigarettes while biding your time til you go to some shitty basement hardcore show tonight where you'll be drinking a 40 out of a paper bag that you snuck in your backpack.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


the best songs make me either want to make out or pick up a *absolute favorite* songs make me want to do both.

case in point:

if i ever get married this is definitely getting played at my wedding.

Monday, January 28, 2013

mark's completely right

let's not waste time

boys and boots

and there's always music in the air

i started working on this playlist as soon as i heard the word that david lynch was in talks with the networks about bringing twin peaks back on the's a little long but i got a bit ocd about it and meticulously chose tracks that both lyrically and atmospherically match david lynch and twin peaks.i also tried to make sure none of the songs i used were used in other lynch movies.i included songs about twin peaks as well.if nothing else i'm pretty thorough.

maybe he will hire me on as a music supervisor for his next shoot.or at least a stand-in or something.the fact that my friends think i look like laura palmer can't hurt right?...a girl can dream.

missing link

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

she'd be seen in and out of the sound

i had no idea that death cab for cutie did a julian cope cover. color me shocked.

"i am not strange.i am just not normal."

dali and alice cooper.i would have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.

on my way to a job interview

here goes nothin.


quitting is hard

i haven't bought a pack of cigarettes since before the new year started.not that i haven't bummed some smokes from people but considering i would be smoking a pack almost every 1-2 days i've certainly cut way back at least. i don't have the gum or the electronic cigarettes to help.just willpower.

all of my vices have become more like treats in the new year rather than the norm.i think that's probably a good thing. being pretty broke right now certainly helps this cause.

today's menu

the saddest breakfast i've ever heard of.i'm gonna go with a pop tart instead.

6 am truths

permanently black and blue

my usual problem: bending over backwards for people i wind up getting bruised.
seems there's never anyone to catch me with frozen strawberries.

i must be feeling slightly lonely considering a lot of the music my subconscious is having me listen to seems to be seeking me out. too much time on my hands with nothing happening causes overthinking.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

i can't afford to buy new clothes

i hadn't realized how much weight i had lost until i tried on some of my old "professional" looking pants almost fell right off my ass.

the weather forecast

i don't want you to go either!

just spent the last half hour or so crying.

finally watched all of "the end of time" through tearing bleary least since i'm so behind in the show the regeneration wasn't like a total shock or anything but still SOOOO sad.i had put it off because i didn't want to accept a new doctor.but i guess if i want to get back up to speed before the new episodes start on tv i'm going to have to give matt smith a chance....but like an insolent 5 year old i'm going to kick my heels in the dirt and yell "but i don't waaaaaanna!!!!"

i may need to take a break from doctor who to mourn tennant a bit before i start watching series 5.

the new highway hymnal

been diggin this band's whole album a LOT lately. really good shit.

the end of time

mentally preparing myself to watch this.somehow it's fitting that there's snow on the ground as i start this episode.

if i don't watch part two then david tennant gets to stay the doctor forever right?


Saturday, January 19, 2013

saturday saviour

this whole album is one of my favorite albums of all-time.

this song (and album) is about heroin addiction but i think it also can pertain to one-sided relationships in general.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

now and then it occurs to me

the field mice were almost kind of like a more twee version of the smiths but without the great johnny marr guitar hooks.still a good song though-especially if you're feeling a bit on the emo side.

thurston thursday part 2

thurston thursday

wild in our ways

been listening to this band a lot lately.i guess most of beach house's music has a slight melancholy,bittersweet edge to it in the first place but this video is honestly rather dire and depressing-like the bleakness you might feel after watching "requiem for a dream" or something like that.

bargain bin blasphemy

this tumblr which is amazing definitely falls under the "i-can't-believe-i never-thought-of-this!" category

flavor wrap 5

i love the website flavorwire.i was browsing around today and found quite a few articles i think are definitely worth sharing.

the velvet underground map of new york city

i wanted to suggest someone take a little daytrip up to nyc to check out the vu sites with me but it's a little depressing since most of the spots are now starbucks or parking lots.

notable music videos made by famous filmmakers

wow i genuinely forgot (or was unaware in some cases) of who directed some of these.

10 highbrow horror films to see instead of texas chainsaw 3d

the list is pretty great-you can't necessarily call all the films on the list strictly "horror" but they've all got some disturbing scenes.

real life stories behind 10 famous love songs

definitely quite a few facts i didn't know about some of my favorite songs.

the scariest scenes in cinema

they mention "cape fear" in this list and while that's scary i think i'd put "night of the hunter" above that as far as robert mitchum scary is involved.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

maybe i'm dismayed

blissed out fatalists

this whole album is really really good and the whole thing is on youtube.i can't believe i had never heard of this band until now.if you threw together some 80s sonic youth with 80s-90s jesus and mary chain,a dash of the birthday party,a sprinkle of butthole surfers,a little bit of suicide to taste with a heap of 90s brian jonestown massacre on the side this is pretty much what you are gonna get.

positive rodents

a friend of mine played this song on his radio show last week and i really thought it was reminiscent of nirvana's "negative creep". in other words i liked it a lot.

and just for a little comparison


i've been watching so much british tv lately that my inner thoughts are now in a british accent.i'm pretty much okay with this.

and this is why communication is key


i'm convinced watching this show is only making me smarter in the long run

Friday, January 11, 2013

stay inside

for the record

jonathan fire*eater > the walkmen like a ton.

and since when are the walkmen "local"? i was under the impression they were dc/nyc...

i'm fairly certain i've posted this exact same thing before but i guess i'm just always so incredulous as to why people like the walkmen soooo much every time they play here.i mean they aren't *bad*,they're just allright but for me to get hyped that the walkmen are playing would be like never having heard jefferson airplane but getting excited that jefferson starship is playing.well,maybe that's not exactly fair-jefferson starship is bloody awful...but i think you get the gist. jonathan fire*eater had this amazing energy at a special time and were unlike anything else out there.the walkmen just don't really stick out as anything different from any of their peers.

american idol

this is hardcore

wow,i feel like my days have been a complete waste now.

but playing guitar and drinking are so much cheaper...

with my sleeplessness and anxiety lately i probably ought to make myself an appointment.


i could listen to david lynch talk all day long

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

hoping the new job starts asap

your ticket to the gun show

am i supposed to be playing it cool?

i really don't know how to play it cool.i would think it should be to the point now where i could just casually say "hey what are you up to this weekend?" and hope the answer would be "i was hoping to hang out with you". but i don't know how to play it cool.i'm not cool.i'm awkward and get quiet when i actually like someone.

i guess this is growing up

betty black and blue

---that would have been my name had i joined the roller derby like i had planned to a few years ago.i was talked out of it since i didn't have health insurance.the name came about due to the fact that without doing anything at all i bruise incredibly easily to begin with and i was still sporting my bettie page haircut at the time.

supposedly my iron levels are good and according to my last doctor's visit i don't seem too anemic anymore but i still continue to bruise at the slightest bump.luckily the bruise on my head will finally be gone before the weekend even gets here.even more luckily i'm good enough at makeup that i've been able to cover it up for the most part for the last two staircase is a danger zone.

nonetheless i completely relate to nancy here.

Monday, January 7, 2013

nothin' but a...

jon spencer is the babeliest.

freaky eater? more like hero

i'm not usually into too much reality tv but i don't care what anyone says,"freaky eaters" and "my strange obsession" are pretty damn amazing.

the guy above was "addicted" to pizza at like 20 or 22.pretty sure that's just called normal life.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

guitar zero

for some reason i accidentally picked this to play at guitar hero tonight* and can kill it at this song and sabbath "paranoid" but have me as the second player to beastie boys' "sabotage" and i suck ass.

i like playing guitar hero with my friends but i wish i were getting to play real guitar with friends more often.

*not that i wouldn't have played i,it was just me accidentally hitting select when i wasn't aware

which way to go

maybe i'll be a grown up this year instead of just faking it

Friday, January 4, 2013

current craving

i really feel like eating pizza and playing video games right now.

think carefully about your answer

i was talking to some friends about the movie survive style 5+ last's been way too long since i've seen itbut it's so incredibly hard to find.i don't understand why,it's brilliant.