Friday, January 11, 2013

for the record

jonathan fire*eater > the walkmen like a ton.

and since when are the walkmen "local"? i was under the impression they were dc/nyc...

i'm fairly certain i've posted this exact same thing before but i guess i'm just always so incredulous as to why people like the walkmen soooo much every time they play here.i mean they aren't *bad*,they're just allright but for me to get hyped that the walkmen are playing would be like never having heard jefferson airplane but getting excited that jefferson starship is playing.well,maybe that's not exactly fair-jefferson starship is bloody awful...but i think you get the gist. jonathan fire*eater had this amazing energy at a special time and were unlike anything else out there.the walkmen just don't really stick out as anything different from any of their peers.


  1. Walkmen are to Jonathan Fire Eater as Notre Dame is to Alabama.

    1. It means that just as Alabama crushed Notre Dame in the College Football Championship...Jonathan Fire Eater would crush The Walkmen in a head to head match up.

      I had such high hopes for them. There was a big stink over who would sign them and it led to some, otherwise reliable people...Matador for one, slagging them off.

      I thought they were the chocolate covered bomb!

  2. ahhhh-see,me and any kind of football reference will pretty much go right over my head.
