Friday, February 22, 2013

the most special of all the agents

going underground

be careful what you wish for

i'm pretty darn nice

now if only i had a working scanner again to upload these things...

not withstanding provisions of clauses one two three and four

this is my absolute favorite belle and sebastian song.

and i LOVE absolutely EVERYTHING about this video.i pretty much want to live in it.

this song feels especially appropriate at the moment for many reasons.

belle and sebastian are coming this summer with yo la tengo and tickets go on sale tomorrow.i'm going to be bummed because it's probably going to sell out before i can scrape together money for a ticket.

i need to win the lottery like yesterday for all the upcoming shows i want to go to.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"there's always 4 million nirvana fans out there"

there's a reason henry rollins had his own show.he's always insightful and entertaining.

i wish i could eat your pizza when you turn yer back

i'm not gonna crack

getting super sentimental and nostalgic about nirvana today so i won't be suprised if i post a few more related posts.kurt would have been 46 today.

happy national cherry pie day

if i had a time machine

the best shows are basement shows

doll steak test meat

the mystery has finally been solved

so THAT'S how mine got to be so big.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ya gotta wait so long

i love this song.the lyrics are great.

but i have to admit she's got a bit of the crazy eyes thing going on here in this video.

i want you to hear allllll the good records

...and i want to hear all of them too.

Monday, February 18, 2013

will they survive?

how to be good

a glimpse into the future

here's what i'll probably look like in 20 years.

kim gordon looks exactly like my mom in this but with blonde hair and dressed like's kind of freaking me out.

either way,it's an interesting interview.thurston's encyclopedic knowledge of music never ceases to astound me,i aspire to retain such a wealth of information someday.

oh yoko

cause you know blood is gold

yoko ono turns 80 today.

great riffs,great song.

we all need to hear this every once in a while

wire's rules of negative self-definition

this explains why one of my favorite wire songs stops *just* short of completely kicking my ass.

i've never once sung the correct lyrics to cocteau twins songs

it's amazing exactly how wrong i am whenever i finally look up the lyrics to cocteau twins songs.

even though i've loved this song for forever,i was just thinking how much i wish i could watch the perks of being a wallflower right now.i definitely need to get it on dvd as soon as possible.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

you know i don't like bein stuck in the crowd

i remember one time my friend derrek and i did this for was pretty classic-my attempt at whistling was pathetic.

Monday, February 4, 2013

i got the ill communication

i can't believe it's actually been a whole month that i've been without a phone.i'll be back out of the dark ages again soon,i promise.then everyone can tweet,and call and text and fill up my inbox and voicemail once again within five minutes of having it again.

i think i've secretly liked being unavailable via phone for parts of the month.i mean not entirely -it's certainly been incredibly inconvenient at times but there definitely has been something sort of nice and old fashioned about it.
there certainly have been no worries about drunk texting.(though i've done pretty well with not getting TOO obliterated this month anyway).
that and the fact that if someone wants to get in touch with me or hang out they still can they just have to try a tiny bit harder and not flake out.

i've had some time to be a little more introspective,less social and i think i'm at a zero fucks given standpoint with most people right's probably good so i'm not wasting my time on one-sided friendships and relationships anymore but the realization that i always seem to be the one trying and getting nothing in return is also a tad depressing.

on the upside it's good to be working again,staying busy as hell and writing music and being more productive.

is it possible to be positive yet realistic at the same time? even though the realistic part sounds like a mask for nihilism?because i think that's how i'm feeling.

but when i'm with you...

the troggs' lead singer died today.sadly most people only know them for "wild thing",which is a great song to be sure but the rest of their hits are top vastly underrated.this is one of my absolute favorite songs ever.

"zombies are the blue-collared monsters"

i'm in the middle without any plans

alice cooper hanging with hawkwind

it's your life and you can do what you want but please don't keep me waitin..

if i could pick anyone to do my outgoing voicemail message...

he's number one.2.mark e smith 3.vincent price 4.samuel l jackson 5.alan rickman

earlier this week i dreamt i was hanging out with 60s michael was pretty awesome.

taste the rainbow

Sunday, February 3, 2013

grumpy cat is my spirit animal

real life

part of my friday night consisted of me getting into a fight with some 21 year old chump kid who wanted to discuss metal and declared "dillinger escape plan is the most metal band that ever existed" and then tried to argue with me the metal credit of black sabbath.some people i didn't know overheard the conversation and when i went outside to smoke told me that i am "the most like elaine benes in real life than anyone" they had ever met.

it's about right.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

eat your heart out on a plastic tray

i wish someone who wears a leather jacket would write a list like this about me someday.but i also wish that that person would not od on heroin and/or murder me.