Monday, February 4, 2013

i got the ill communication

i can't believe it's actually been a whole month that i've been without a phone.i'll be back out of the dark ages again soon,i promise.then everyone can tweet,and call and text and fill up my inbox and voicemail once again within five minutes of having it again.

i think i've secretly liked being unavailable via phone for parts of the month.i mean not entirely -it's certainly been incredibly inconvenient at times but there definitely has been something sort of nice and old fashioned about it.
there certainly have been no worries about drunk texting.(though i've done pretty well with not getting TOO obliterated this month anyway).
that and the fact that if someone wants to get in touch with me or hang out they still can they just have to try a tiny bit harder and not flake out.

i've had some time to be a little more introspective,less social and i think i'm at a zero fucks given standpoint with most people right's probably good so i'm not wasting my time on one-sided friendships and relationships anymore but the realization that i always seem to be the one trying and getting nothing in return is also a tad depressing.

on the upside it's good to be working again,staying busy as hell and writing music and being more productive.

is it possible to be positive yet realistic at the same time? even though the realistic part sounds like a mask for nihilism?because i think that's how i'm feeling.

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