Saturday, December 31, 2011

to a new year

but next year will be better right?

this year was definitely a roller coaster with some major twists and turns.i never thought i'd make it through but i'm a lot stronger than i thought.2012,bring it on.

crazy trips,must be a full moon!

i sincerely wish that watching this were part of my plans for the evening.

so this is the end?or is it the start?...of what?

i couldn't find a scene from the new year's party scene on youtube but it stands out in my mind as the kind of new year's party i always wish i could be at.if you've never seen this movie (which kind of flew under the radar when it came out) i recommend seeking it out. (it's not necessary but you should probably watch barbarella, modesty blaise, danger diabolik, some french nouvelle vague and maybe even woody allen's films annie hall and sleeper before viewing to get a bit of deeper perspective-actually you should be watching those movies anyway)

this is one of my favorite films.i wish roman would make another movie-i think this is better than all of sofia's combined.not that's it's some sibling rivalry competition or anything but...
jeremy davies & dean stockwell.always great.jason schwartzmann & billy zane suprisingly hilarious.and a cameo by john phillip law doesn't hurt.the clothes,the cinematography.everything,just such a great great movie.awesome soundtrack and score too!

shut up and deal

if you've never seen "the apartment" please do yourself a big favor and get right on that.

most of them are beautiful but so obsessed with gloom

it's new year's eve,everybody's lookin for a kiss

at the strike of twelve

bang goes another year in and out of one ear

"i have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved"

this movie centers around new year's eve so i find that i wind up watching it every year around this time.and as much as i can't stand billy crystal i still somehow enjoy this movie.

maybe because i've actually had this conversation almost verbatim with a couple of my friends before.

for the record,i really do think men and women can be just platonic friends...well,i think so anyway.

aaaand then i saw this recently,hahaha.

okay,so maybe gay guy and straight girl and vice versa can be friends at least...

Friday, December 30, 2011

an icon holding an icon

happy 65th birthday patti smith

well,why don't we?


something that just happened in real life: i hear some kids outside playing and about 10 minutes later there's a knock on the front door and i answer 8 yr old is standing there telling me "my friend is playing in your back yard and we can't get him to come out" i don't know how i did this off the cuff and with a straight face but i said completely deadpan "oh,he'll come out...i'll go get my shotgun right now" and then shut the door in his face.then i watched from the window as this kid climbed the fence out of my yard faster than i have ever seen anyone move.

i've been watching a lot of breaking bad lately so i assumed some of the badassery of walter white was rubbing off on me.

it didn't occur to me that i was turning into a different walter.walt kowalski

if i become more like clint eastwood's brand of badass cool in my old age i'm okay with it.

not even a runner-up this year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

buffy and hildegard

how amazing would it be if tom hanks and peter scolari reunited and brought this show back.even as like a short funny or die spoof it'd be awesome.

this was one of my favorite shows as a kid.i think had a weird crush on peter scolari,
then i think i had a crush on tom hanks.he used to be really really funny.

i wish he could recapture his early career again

back to reality

sometimes my dreams are so realistic i wake up confused as to why i'm in my own bed.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

on the 5th day of christmas my true love gave to me: JEWELRY

what girl doesn't love jewelry? my tastes may not be the most conventional but still...

holy crap i want this!!!!

i could use a sweet monacle necklace to use when i'm blogging.modern day veronica sawyer style.

of course i want these.

i would pretty much take any kind of studded jewelry to be honest.

ribcage ring

this is really cute

i know i previously posted about pizza but this was just way too bizarre of a jewlery item not to guitar pick earrings.

i mean i DO love playing my guitar AND eating seems like the sort of thing i would maybe come up with while stoned but nope.i've never even come close to thinking this one up.i don't think i would actually wear these but they're so weird i couldn't share the discovery.

(insomnia has also taught me that etsy literally has 8 pages that consist solely of "pizza jewelry")

Sunday, December 18, 2011

on the 7th day of xmas my true love gave to me: TOYS

i collect artist toys (nowhere limited to but in particular frank kozik) but could really use some additions to my collection.

kidrobot and jinxed gallery are excellent spots to buy them at.they also sometimes have kozik toys at urban outfitters. (p.s.-jinxed also carries a lot of awesome vintage wares and tshirts i would love to have!)

the 30 inch labbit stool would be sooooooo cool to have!!!

the dead che bust would look pretty awesome with the rest of my slowly growing skull collection

pink mechabanana

smokey unfiltered 12"

mini smorking labbits(these come in a blind box so you never know which one you're going to get,a stocking full of them would make me pretty pleased)

the christmas pack of labbits

or the crusty dunny would be seasonably appropriate.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

on the 8th day of xmas my true love gave to me: EYESIGHT

so i've needed glasses for quite a while.finally got the prescription a couple of months ago. i think i may have figured out the pair of glasses i actually want or at least something similar.definitely black frames,slightly cateye sexy librarian look.

the ray-ban #5226

now...if i could just afford them...

Friday, December 16, 2011

on the 9th day of xmas my true love gave to me: PIZZA

in my bid to become the ultimate pizza lord i feel like i am going to need a lot more pizza things in my house.

naturally some of it should also be tmnt related.

while i was looking up pizza stuff online google also offered me pizza porn.rule 34 in full effect.
i advise you NOT to go down this path.

anyway.i digress....

naturally etsy has plenty of cool pizza related things.

a pizza pillow would vastly improve the living room decor.

clearly when i make my own pizza at home i'm going to need something to cut it with.
why not with a record or a shark?

army vs. navy

(by the way, the dead weather version is also really amazing.)

(army definitely wins)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

on the 10th day of xmas my true love gave to me: SPIKED SHOES

i'm really not sure why but lately i've become a little obsessed with owning a pair of spiked/studded shoes.

actually i could see these being the kind of shoes i wore to my own wedding.

these would be the only pair i wouldn't kill myself wearing.

and even more realistically since i will never in my life have $1000 to waste on a pair of christian louboutin shoes that i wouldn't be able to walk in anyway i will probably just buy a pair of chucks and stud them myself.

thurston thursday

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

on the 11th day of christmas my true love gave to me: TWIN PEAKS

twin peaks tshirts 3 pack!
naturally i want the laura palmer,the special agent dale cooper and the blue velvet dennis hopper.

and to go with those i'd like these twin peaks nikes! i'm a boys size 4 in sneakers by the way.

and also EVERYTHING from this website.

baking with sonic youth

this would be a cool cooking show

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

on the 12th day of christmas my true love gave to me: THE MUPPETS

i was in nyc this weekend and almost bought myself a muppet of myself at fao schwarz.i am still kicking myself that i didn't get it. i can't decide which body or nose ut i definitely want the black bob,leather jacket and eyes with green lids and lashes.

i also need the muppet show season 1 and 2 dvds...(and the fraggles for that matter)

i also still have not seen the new muppet movie so if someone wants to take me to that that'd be awesome but i'm pretty sure i'm the last person on the planet left who hasn't seen it.

pie's so good it is a crime

i feel like i've been cast in a remake of heathers lately

Sunday, December 11, 2011

hey,you got mark e in my stooges! you got iggy in my fall!

two great tastes that taste great together.

considering they're two of my biggest musical heroes it's funny i never blogged this before.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

fishtown life lessons

trust no one.deny everything.admit nothing.
i'm a horrible liar so i guess i'm going to have to somehow perfect a poker face.

turns out the rumor mill around here is putting my business on blast.and the best part is they don't even know what they're talking about.i swear it feels like 32 going on 15 around here.
so sick of this fucking high school mentality.