Friday, December 30, 2011


something that just happened in real life: i hear some kids outside playing and about 10 minutes later there's a knock on the front door and i answer 8 yr old is standing there telling me "my friend is playing in your back yard and we can't get him to come out" i don't know how i did this off the cuff and with a straight face but i said completely deadpan "oh,he'll come out...i'll go get my shotgun right now" and then shut the door in his face.then i watched from the window as this kid climbed the fence out of my yard faster than i have ever seen anyone move.

i've been watching a lot of breaking bad lately so i assumed some of the badassery of walter white was rubbing off on me.

it didn't occur to me that i was turning into a different walter.walt kowalski

if i become more like clint eastwood's brand of badass cool in my old age i'm okay with it.

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